Below you will find archived collaborative reports as reference. Please see the ‘Research and Data’ menu themes for more recent reports. The archived reports provide insights about PNSG’s work related to newcomer settlement and inclusion.
The Conceptual Framework for the Research Work of PNSG
The purpose of this report is to provide a conceptual framework for the research and planning work of the Peel Newcomer Strategy Group. The report has been written primarily for PNSG in order to help develop a system-wide strategy for the successful settlement and integration of newcomers. Researchers in the fields of settlement and integration, non-profit management, capacity-building and civic engagement may also find the report to be relevant for their work.
Checklist and Tips for New Canadians Starting a New Job
This checklist will give newcomers a good sense of how people, who are already working in Canada, prepare for employment. Newcomers can use this simple guide to recognize how managers and co-workers function professionally and socially in the Canadian context. This checklist is designed to help newcomers quickly become part of the team in their respective workplaces.
The Size and Scope of the Settlement Services Sector in Peel
The purpose of this report is to provide PNSG partners an understanding of the size, scope and geographic distribution of the formal settlement services sector in Peel. The report covers organizations in Peel that are focused on providing services to new immigrants and refugees to Canada. The report provides a quantitative analysis of selected characteristics of agencies serving newcomers in Peel.
An Inventory of Different Types of Settlement Services in Peel Region: 2010 Edition
The purpose of the inventory is to provide an understanding of the size, scope and geographic distribution of the formal settlement services sector in Peel. This inventory specifically provides a database of organizations serving newcomers and ethno-specific groups in Peel by the type of the organization e.g. ethno-specific service agency, ethno-specific social club, multi-ethnic agency, and neighbourhood centre.
An Inventory of Settlement Services in Peel by Postal Code & Neighbourhood Level: Revised 2013 Edition
The Inventory of Settlement Services in Peel by postal code & Neighbourhood Level is focused on services for visible minorities and ethnic groups in Peel. The report also provides selected demographic and socio-economic information on visible minorities in Peel based on the 2006 census (due to the unavailability of data on visible minorities for the Census 2011). The information provided can be used to assist decision-makers in determining priorities for social services, community development and civic participation for visible minorities in Peel.
An Inventory of Settlement Services in Peel by Postal Code & Neighbourhood Level: 2010 Edition
The purpose of the inventory is to provide an understanding of the size, scope and geographic distribution of the formal settlement services sector in Peel that are focused on providing services to new immigrants and refugees. This inventory provides a listing of 95 agencies serving newcomers in 123 locations across Peel by Postal code.
Vision of a New Model for Enhancing Newcomer Settlement Services in Peel: Full Report
After two years of research, consultation and analysis, Peel Newcomer Strategy Group has developed the vision of a new model for newcomer settlement and inclusion in Peel. This new model recommends creation of a network of services that are centrally coordinated and delivered through community hubs, combined with flexible roving newcomer services from specialized agencies.
Vision of a New Model for Enhancing Newcomer Settlement Services in Peel: Special Report
The abridged version of the report on the Vision of a New Model for newcomer settlement and inclusion in Peel.
Funding Resources Guide for Agencies Serving Newcomers
PNSG under its capacity building project felt the critical need to develop a tool that will assist agencies serving newcomers to access funding information with ease. To meet this need, PNSG has developed a Funding Resource Guide. Agencies serving newcomers can utilize this guide as a quick reference tool to find resources available to access for their programs and services.
Community Forum Full Report
This report is intended to strengthen our understanding of the experience of newcomers in Peel. The data and charts in this report provide an overview of key indicators that are important in the lives of newcomers. The neighbourhood mapping identifies areas within Peel that are most affected by immigration trends and will help to focus community action where the need is greatest.
PNSG Central Planning Table Transition Plan Recommendations
On December 13, 2010, the PNSG Steering Committee endorsed the forming of a Central Planning Table (CPT) Transition Working Group. The working group has fulfilled the task of assembling a transparent and inclusive plan to transform the PNSG Steering Committee to a new structure. The proposed plan offers a coherent approach to establishing the new PNSG Central Planning Table (CPT). It outlines the CPT Transition Working Group’s process and key recommendations.
Bramalea, Brampton, has 68 mainstream and 16 settlement, ethno-specific/cultural organizations and faith-centres.
For a detailed description of the agencies, types of services available and funding sources, please click here to access a data sheet.
The following links have the Bramalea Maps that identify services in the neighbourhood:
Map 1 shows the percentage of recent immigrants (2006 Census) living in Bramalea (Postal Codes L6S, L6T) and the location of various mainstream organizations/agencies including major hospitals/community health centres, public/Catholic schools, colleges, recreation centres and libraries.
Map 2 shows the percentage of recent immigrants (2006 Census) living in this neighbourhood in relation to the location of settlement, ethno-specific/cultural organizations and faith-based places.
(Disclaimer: Information was sourced from agency/organizational websites, staff/volunteer members and Peel Community Information Database in March 2012. Whilst efforts were made to ensure the listings are as comprehensive as possible, it is not exhaustive.)
Central Brampton
Central Brampton has 67 mainstream and 53 settlement, ethno-specific/cultural organizations and faith-centres.
For a detailed description of the agencies, types of services available and funding sources, please click here to access a data sheet.
The following links have the Central Brampton Maps that identify services in the neighbourhood:
Map 1 shows the percentage of recent immigrants (2006 Census) living in Central Brampton (Postal Codes L6V, L6W, L6X, L6Y) and the location of various mainstream organizations/agencies including major hospitals/community health centres, public/Catholic schools, colleges, recreation centres and libraries.
Map 2 shows the percentage of recent immigrants (2006 Census) living in this neighbourhood in relation to the location of settlement, ethno-specific/cultural organizations and faith-based places.
(Disclaimer: Information was sourced from agency/organizational websites, staff/volunteer members and Peel Community Information Database in March 2012. Whilst efforts were made to ensure the listings are as comprehensive as possible, it is not exhaustive.)
Springdale, Brampton, has 45 mainstream and 24 settlement, ethno-specific/cultural organizations and faith-centres.
For a detailed description of the agencies, types of services available and funding sources, please click here to access a data sheet.
The following links have the Springdale Maps that identify services in the neighbourhood:
Map 1 shows the percentage of recent immigrants (2006 Census) living in Springdale (Postal Code L6R) and the location of various mainstream organizations/agencies including major hospitals/community health centres, public/Catholic schools, colleges, recreation centres and libraries.
Map 2 shows the percentage of recent immigrants (2006 Census) living in this neighbourhood in relation to the location of settlement, ethno-specific/cultural organizations and faith-based places.
(Disclaimer: Information was sourced from agency/organizational websites, staff/volunteer members and Peel Community Information Database in March 2012. Whilst efforts were made to ensure the listings are as comprehensive as possible, it is not exhaustive.)
Caledon has 21 mainstream and 23 settlement, ethno-specific/cultural organizations and faith-centres.
For a detailed description of the agencies, types of services available and funding sources, please click here to access a data sheet.
The following links have the Caledon Maps that identify services in the neighbourhood:
Map 1 shows the percentage of recent immigrants (2006 Census) living in Caledon (Postal Codes L7C, L7E, L7K) and the location of various mainstream organizations/ agencies including major hospitals/community health centres, public/Catholic schools, colleges, recreation centres and libraries.
Map 2 shows the percentage of recent immigrants (2006 Census) living in this neighbourhood in relation to the location of settlement, ethno-specific/cultural organizations and faith-based places.
(Disclaimer: Information was sourced from agency/organizational websites, staff/volunteer members and Peel Community Information Database in March 2012. Whilst efforts were made to ensure the listings are as comprehensive as possible, it is not exhaustive.)
Clarkson/Erin Mills
Clarkson/Erin Mills, Mississauga, has 71 mainstream and 61 settlement, ethno-specific/cultural organizations and faith-centres.
For a detailed description of the agencies, types of services available and funding sources, please click here to access a data sheet.
The following links have the Clarkson/Erin Mills Maps that identify services in the neighbourhood:
Map 1 shows the percentage of recent immigrants (2006 Census) living in Clarkson/Erin Mills (Postal Codes L5C, L5J, L5K, L5L) and the location of various mainstream organizations/agencies including major hospitals/community health centres, public/Catholic schools, colleges, recreation centres and libraries.
Map 2 shows the percentage of recent immigrants (2006 Census) living in this neighbourhood in relation to the location of settlement, ethno-specific/cultural organizations and faith-based places.
(Disclaimer: Information was sourced from agency/organizational websites, staff/volunteer members and Peel Community Information Database in March 2012. Whilst efforts were made to ensure the listings are as comprehensive as possible, it is not exhaustive.)
Cooksville, Mississauga, has 32 mainstream and 35 settlement, ethno-specific/cultural organizations and faith-centres.
For a detailed description of the agencies, types of services available and funding sources in the Cooksville/Dixie-Bloor/Mississauga City Centre area, please click here to access a data sheet.
The following links have the Cooksville Maps that identify services in the neighbourhood:
Map 1 shows the percentage of recent immigrants (2006 Census) living in Cooksville (Postal Codes L4W, L4X, L4Y, L5A, L5B) and the location of various mainstream organizations/agencies including major hospitals/community health centres, public/Catholic schools, colleges, recreation centres and libraries.
Map 2 shows the percentage of recent immigrants (2006 Census) living in this neighbourhood in relation to the location of settlement, ethno-specific/cultural organizations and faith-based places.
(Disclaimer: Information was sourced from agency/organizational websites, staff/volunteer members and Peel Community Information Database in March 2012. Whilst efforts were made to ensure the listings are as comprehensive as possible, it is not exhaustive.)
Hurontario, Mississauga, has 35 mainstream and 41 settlement, ethno-specific/cultural organizations and faith-centres.
For a detailed description of the agencies, types of services available and funding sources, please click here to access a data sheet.
The following links have the Hurontario Maps that identify services in the neighbourhood:
Map 1 shows the percentage of recent immigrants (2006 Census) living in Hurontario (Postal Codes L5R, L5Z) and the location of various mainstream organizations/agencies including major hospitals/community health centres, public/Catholic schools, colleges, recreation centres and libraries.
Map 2 shows the percentage of recent immigrants (2006 Census) living in this neighbourhood in relations to the location of settlement, ethno-specific/cultural organizations and faith-based places.
(Disclaimer: Information was sourced from agency/organizational websites, staff/volunteer members and Peel Community Information Database in March 2012. Whilst efforts were made to ensure the listings are as comprehensive as possible, it is not exhaustive.)
Streetsville, Mississauga, has 49 mainstream and 23 settlement, ethno-specific/cultural organizations and faith-centres.
For a detailed description of the agencies, types of services available and funding sources, please click here to access a data sheet.
The following links have the Streetsville Maps that identify services in the neighbourhood:
Map 1 shows the percentage of recent immigrants (2006 Census) living in Streetsville (Postal Code L5M ) and the location of mainstream organizations/agencies including major hospitals/community health centres, public/Catholic schools, colleges, recreation centres and libraries.
Map 2 shows the percentage of recent immigrants (2006 Census) living in this neighbourhood in relation to the location of settlement, ethno-specific/cultural organizations and faith-based places.
(Disclaimer: Information was sourced from agency/organizational websites, staff/volunteer members and Peel Community Information Database in March 2012. Whilst efforts were made to ensure the listings are as comprehensive as possible, it is not exhaustive.)
Meadowvale, Mississauga, has 43 mainstream and 43 settlement, ethno-specific/cultural organizations and faith-centres.
For detailed description of the agencies, types of services available and funding sources, please click here to access a data sheet.
The following links have the Meadowvale Maps that identify services in the neighbourhood:
Map 1 shows the percentage of recent immigrants (2006 Census) living in Meadowvale (Postal Code L5N L5W) and the location of various mainstream organizations/agencies including major hospitals/community centres, public/Catholic schools, colleges, recreation centres and libraries.
Map 2 shows the percentage of recent immigrants (2006 Census) living in this neighbourhood in relation to the location of settlement, ethno-specific/cultural organizations and faith-based places.
(Disclaimer: Information was sourced from agency/organizational websites, staff/volunteer members and Peel Community Information Database in March 2012. Whilst efforts were made to ensure the listings are as comprehensive as possible, it is not exhaustive.)
Malton, Mississauga, has 20 mainstream and 24 settlement, ethno-specific/cultural organizations and faith-centres.
For a detailed description of the agencies, types of services avaialbale and funding sources, please click here to access a data sheet.
The following links have the Malton Maps that identify services in the neighbourhood:
Map 1 shows the percentage of recent immigrants (2006 Census) living in Malton (Postal Codes L4T, L5T) and the location of various mainstream organizations/agencies including major hospitals/community health centres, public/Catholic schools, colleges, recreation centres and libraries.
Map 2 shows the percentage of recent immigrants (2006 Census) living in this neighbourhood in relation to the location of settlement, ethno-specific/cultural organizations and faith-based places.
(Disclaimer: Information was sourced from agency/organizational websites, staff/volunteer members and Peel Community Information database in March 2012. Whilst efforts were made to ensure the listings are as comprehensive as possible, it is not exhaustive.)