2019 Report on Peel Newcomers
One publication compiling current census data, longitudinal immigration database and informal settlement study data and results from a 2018 PNSG survey of settlement service providers, describing Peel newcomer settlement priorities.
2018 Report on International Students
A 2018 needs assessment report on international students that highlighted the challenges faced by international students and the opportunity for coordination among educational institutions, community services and various levels of government.
Advocacy: Co-Designing an Equitable and Inclusive Health System in Peel
As part of our work on the Anti-Black Racism & Systemic Discrimination collaborative in Peel, PNSG participated on a healthcare sub-table that co-authored a February 2021 health equity position statement that collected first-person narratives, regional population-level statistics and recommendations for greater service and system co-design, as well as understanding how equity can be embedded in funding decisions.