PNSG and the Region of Peel co-host the Resettlement Support Working Group (RSWG).
The Peel Refugee Resettlement Support Working Group (RSWG) meets monthly with an opportunity for service providers to plan and coordinate on key issues.
At present, the working group has turned its attention to considering equitable supports to all refugees arriving to Peel, including asylum claimants. Current issues for coordination include housing (e.g. host families), health care access and employment. Updates on supports and preparations are shared by government representatives. The working group supports information sharing across sectors, resource coordination and pathways to required services for resettlement.
Representatives include all levels of government, including the department of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), Ontario’s Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development, all three local municipalities as well as relevant Region of Peel departments. Over 40 organizations participate including settlement, employment, child welfare, school boards and healthcare, among others. This table has supported the Afghan Initiative 2021-2024; Operation Ukrainian Safe Haven 2022-2024; Operation Syrian refugees in 2015 and the support needed for asylum-seekers in the GTA in 2018.